Customer Testimonials

Moss Creek Art produced a couple beautiful custom pieces for my Valentine. I worked closely with Carlee to create something unique, and she created my vision exactly! Their work is exquisite, and I’m confident I’ll be a long term, repeat customer. – John Brader

The finest hand crafted jewelry and glass accessories are produced at the Moss Creek Art Studio. Artist, Carlee Seele’s impeccable attention to detail sets her one of a kind pieces apart from the others. As an avid collector, I find her jewelry to be of the highest quality and brilliance. – Dr. E L Waters

I have been buying jewelry from Carlee for several years. She handmade these for me to remember my son after he passed. Her jewelry brightens my day. I get so many compliments. They’re beautifully designed and well crafted. I highly recommend Moss Creek Art to anyone!! – Andrea Montgomery

My one of a kind pendant is a great conversation piece. Everyone asks if it is a ying yang and they touch it to feel the texture. I tell them to check out the web site. – Donna Elliott